Member recognition is the process through which this portal makes a conscious effort for not just to acknowledge their contribution to this community but also to create an opportunity for the member to get recognition from the industry.
This is done with respect to two different qualitative assessments.

  1. Rating of post - peer to peer recognition ::
  2. This forum intends to encourage the industry professionals to join various discussion forums and share their experience. Based on the quality of any specific post, the admin would enable a ‘Rating’ option against that post. Qualitative assessment in form of rating can be offered by other community members to give recognition to the value added by that particular post to this community. The average rating would be displayed against that post. Members visiting any forum would be able to judge the quality of any post from the rating acquired by it.

  3. Member’s rating and up gradation ::
  4. An arrangement for grading of individual member has been created on the basis of his contribution in various sections of this portal. Based on the ratings assigned by other members to his/ her posts in various forums, an Overall rating of that member would be displayed against his name. In addition to that, each member can score some Community Points through their contribution in various section of this portal. Whenever the Community Points scored by an industry member crosses 100, he would be automatically upgraded as a Star Member of this community, which will be displayed with his name. Each member can see the Community Points earned by him at their Control Panel.

Expert Member status would be offered by the Administrator to those members who have contributed significantly to this community through their valuable inputs in the discussion lounges, reviews on technologies, vendors, etc

# Contribution at various section Point to be scored


If any Forum Post receives ratings of 7 or above from minimum two members

5 points


Suggesting a vendor

2 points


Offering Vendor review

3 points


Sharing a case Study if receives ratings of 7 or above from minimum two members

8 points


Webinar, if allowed to conduct

10 points